is no longer available.

Thank you to our visitors over the years, and thank you to our fans and supporters, and to the amazing, honorable and just mind-blowing military members we have met over the past few decades, as well as family and friends. Stay safe and best wishes to all, especially for our nation, literally under all sorts of attacks now: politically (public corruption and/or white supremacy), financially, cyber attacks, gun violence, greed becoming the moral standard, and civil and voting rights.

Vote wisely, because we have literally seen what is at the top of the food chain, and what they think of "the workers," poor, disabled, elderly, veterans and active military. Military members are still struggling to feed their families, while being the first ones called to protect persons who are quick to cut their earned and paid into benefits, or use them as a political weapon.

Protect your family and friends, as they are not replaceable. This website was started because countless family, friends, and neighbors were/are military members. If only leaders of nations or states/counties would start thinking about the family, friends and neighbors of those who serve or have served, then perhaps heavily armed military around the world would work together, to, oh gee, I don't know... address poverty, world hunger, and climate change infrastructure. With so many great and innovative minds in our world, I hope that guns and/or bombs, mixed with segregation and hatriotism, are not the only solutions. Each new environmental disaster is another reminder of what is more important, and the work that has to be done.

I have met too many amazing persons, that I want to see inspire a new generation of amazing persons.


It has been over 122-years and counting, since Alfred Nobel challenged the world to live in peace.

"World peace" is now an unattainable goal. Cities, counties, states, nor nations are not even at peace within, while many areas (neighborhoods, cities and countries) are being overtaken by greed with neglect and forgetfulness. And even more ironic, one the first Nobel Peace Prizes in 1901 was awarded to the founder of the Red Cross. Now, in the US, white supremacists are encouraged to join the Red Cross, an idea started and promoted by David Duke in 2004, to decide who lives or dies. And their political candidate choice for POTUS is a J6 insurrectionist, serial adulterer (something that military members would be dishonorably discharged for) with a documented love child, convicted felon, convicted business fraud (fake university which also defrauded military members), tax fraud, classified documents stealing, white supremacist birther. That is where our country is now, as Russia advances across Europe.

Speaking of David Duke...

David Duke has taken his crusade against Jews and non-Europeans to Russia, which he now sees as "the key to white survival."


We currently have US military members and veterans rooting for Russia — Michael Flynn and his brother, Charles Flynn included. Pray for our nation, as it has lost its way, and the ability to even spot internal threats undermining our nation, government and public safety.

If things progress in the direction that our ancestors intended and fought for, then, perhaps this site will continue again.

Take care and best wishes.

💝 🎗

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